Weight stuff

Jun 12, 2007 22:18

So, the past few months I've been losing quite a bit of weight. Not a lot a lot, mind, but enough that all these people at work are coming up to me and asking "have you lost weight?"

Truthfully, I have lost about 12-15 pounds since I came home for semester break back in December/January, sometimes in the good healthy way and sometimes in the Oh My God Please Don't Make Me Eat stomach-issues not so healthy kind of way. And my weight has been jumping up and down quite a bit, honestly. So I am going to ramble about it, because I need something to occupy me for another hour or so before I feel willing to give in and go to bed already.

First semester in St. Cloud, I retained the same weight I had - around 158 - for the last few years. YAY, no Freshman (or in my case, Junior Transfer Student Living On Campus For The First Time) Fifteen for me! It would've been easy to gain those excess 15 pounds with all the food they had available, but after the first week or so on campus when I noticed that I still had a good half a plate of food but that i really wasn't hungry anymore, I told myself "You know what? This is nuts. Just stop eating when your full; don't think about wasting food or all those starving people in Africa!" and proceeded to do just that. Therefor, no weight gain, YAY!

Semester/Christmas break, however, I ended up gaining about 5 pounds thanks to my parents doing the "hey, we're going to have kids home again! We need to get more food!" nesting thing, so there were all these munchies around - not to mention all those yummy holiday dinners - and me in the house for a good portion of the day getting no where near the amount of exercise I had been getting walking around campus. So, my long-standing 158 went up to 162, and woe, I was sad.

Then I went back to school and got around to the exercise thing again and just a general lack of time *too* eat between classes and work and all that fun stuff, but I was still stuck at 162 pounds. I figure it could be worse, and i knew I was healthy in all the ways that mattered, so I didn't let it bother me.

Then, of course, I got sick at school. Stress made a permenint knot in my stomach and throat, and the mere idea of food had me running to the bathroom. I managed to keep down the saltines and the Gatoraid by pure will power because I knew that if I didn't eat, the chances of me passing out in class or at work increased, like, 300% (as i have never passed out in my life, so maybe the percentage is even greater than that). Anyway, that whole ordeal brought me down around 150 (or less) in the matter of two weeks (or less); it's not a way I would recommended to about losing those extra pounds, and I'm pretty sure any doctor would agree with me.

After I came home, though, I put on about two thirds of the weight I lost, which brought me back up to the 158 that had been my normal weight. A girl takes what she can get, doncha know.

However, since I got home, I have pretty steadily been losing weight. Not on purpose, mind (I know, all you dieters out there are totally going "I so hate you right now." Sorry!), but losing it none the less due to numerous reasons, the foremost of which being the fact that my work schedule makes for rather odd meal times, and when I'm at work I really don't have any access to the food I would normally be grazing on if I were at home. There was also that whole thing where I got sick again a few weeks ago and the antibiotics they put me on having a side effect of mild nausea, not to mention personal issues laying on heavy with the stress during that same time.

Anyway, just for the hell of it, I decided to use the scale at the Y to see how much I weighed "soaking wet" as the saying goes (you know, that female complaint when skinny chick says "oh, I am so fat!" and you responding with "Fat? Woman, you wouldn't weigh 90 pounds soaking wet" or whatever), because I am a swim instructor and at the time I was, in fact, soaking wet. So I stepped on the scale - one of those that they use at the doctors offices with the hight thingy as well as the scale thingy which are known to be pretty damned accurate - and for the first time since I was a Freshman in high school (if not even longer), I weighed in at under 150! YAY! About 148, to be exact. Go me!

I've also noticed that my jeans are getting looser (in fact, I managed to pull of the pair I was wearing today without unbuttoning or unzipping, and there was minimal wiggling involved) and even my elastic-waist pajama pants don't even fit as snuggly around my waist anymore. At this point, I might even be brave enough to wear a bikini in public. Well, if I owned one, that is.

I mean, ever since grade school, I really haven't had any trouble with self esteem issues, but damned if the 10+ pounds (depending on how you look at it) of weight loss hasn't totally boosted my ego just a little bit. ;) Also, the best part? Even though 10 pounds really doesn't seem light much, most of it has disappeared from my waist and thighs. Sometimes I absolutely adore my body type.

And now I bet all of you hate me. Life is totally not fair. ;)

health, weight

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