Favoritest Favorites

Apr 15, 2007 22:34

You know what I just realized? I've never made a favoritest favorites CD with all of the songs I completely adore. Probably because there are way too many songs I absolutely adore. But now I kinda want to make the attempt. :starts sorting through her whole 600 some MP3 files:: (not much compared to some of you, I know, but thats still a lot to choose from)

And on that note, does anyone have "Stand By Me"? Cause that would be one of the favorites, but apparently I never downloaded it. Other oldie-but-goodie suggestions welcome. Alas, none of my oldies seem to have made it from Shadow to Shadowlite. :(

Oh, yeah, and if anyone wants to send me "Someone to Watch Over Me" as well, I totally wouldn't mind. And yes, that one is, in fact, inspired by the first episode of Raines. Because I am a dork.

music request, music

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