Doctor Who (10) - Companion Sense and Time Sense

Feb 21, 2007 18:25

Yes, another one, because apparently I was on a huge Doctor Who kick when my "fics to rec" folder got so damned full. There are two more in there I'm not linking (at least not yet) because they were both kinda depressing and/or a little to physical or my mood at the moment.

Anyway, Companion Sense by Gillian Taylor
Another one in which I can't remember much about what happened, except that Ace is in it! And Mickey and the Doctor got arrested and Rose and Dorothee had to save them, and obviously there were explosives because did I mention Ace is in it? There's also a sequel, Time Sense in which we hear Ace's side of the story, set before Companion Sense for her, but after for the Doctor and Rose. Because you can do that in time travel.

Okay, all done. So I lied, and it was more like an hour than twenty minutes, but hey, fic recs! Enjoy!

fic recs, doctor who

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