(no subject)

Oct 22, 2002 13:21

Wheee! Happy day!
At least so far. Mom invited me to come in and go window shopping at Target while she was working up the street at the YMCA... Wanting to get out of the house, I accepted. Got a few groceries while i was there cause both me and my mother are getting a cold, so I got cough syrup and Benadryl (sp?) and some Sudafed (now that I *know* is spelled wrong) and some toilet paper, you know, just a few sorta
necessities. I also was weak and bought the Directors-Cut version of Lethal Weapon... It was only 5 bucks! How could I resist! Besides, I've been wanting to get an un-censored version, cause the copy we have we recorded off TV so all the swearing was cut out, and if you know Lethal Weapon, you know that all the swearing is half the fun of the whole movie! :)
And, now this is the best part, I SAW BETH!!!
I was wandering around looking at some cool necklaces, and I hear someone call my name, and I look up and IT'S BETH!!! WHEEE! I was so happy! I haven had the chance to spend time with her in over a year, and have maybe seen her all of twice since then!!! But she was working in that little restaurant Target stores have sometimes, and no one but me was there, so we got to talk for a whole hour almost! It was great... I really miss her... Gonna try to convince her to come out to our house some time and we can have a bonfire and watch movies all night or something... I don't know if that's ever gonna happen, cause she's always busy. Especially now that her mom lost her job, and as of the moment Beth is paying most of the bills. They might even have to move out of their house cause they can't afford to live there anymore, but other then that all is well. I guess they're sorta in the same boat me and my parents are in. Though there's no threat of losing the house, I'm still buying the occasional groceries and what not. Hopefully, things will get brighter for both our families.

But, even with the worries of money, today was still a good day. I gotta see one of my best friends, and I got the chance to get outta the house for a few hours.
Here's hoping the rest of the day doesn't decide to turn on me. :)

friends, lethal weapon, shopping

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