(no subject)

Jan 01, 2007 09:14

Last night I dreamed that a volcano erupted at whatever random dream-school I was going too, leaving me stranded in a tree while a lava flow cut me off from the rest of the school, and making me miss my choir class. Which the teacher then proceeded to kick me out of; you'd think that being stranded on a lava flow would be excuse enough to get an excused absence, but apparently not. Though it did appear that the teacher and I had exchanged more than a few harsh words that made him/her (it started off as a him, turned into a her, as things sometimes do in dreams) in the past, so maybe missing class was just the excuse he/she used to finally be rid of me. I was rather offended, though, because I wanted to stay in choir, and it wasn't *my* fault the school was built on active volcano or that the teacher asked me something probably personal-ish and didn't like the honest answer he/she received. Not sure what the question was, mind, because it wasn't asked at in point in the dream, this was just some past issue. But apparently it was a bit of a doozy.

In other news, I'm pretty sure I have a cold. Nose is stuffy, headache, and sore throat. Damn.
At least it waited until after the holidays to hit, I suppose.

dreams, sick

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