(no subject)

Dec 18, 2006 14:28

Today has gone quite well so far. Had my Meteorology final this morning at 10:15, and I think I did okay on it. Afterwards my friend Brianna and I hopped in the car (okay, so first we hopped on the bus to *get* to my car. There is just something wrong with that statement, yo) and went to Perkins for lunch to celebrate, so to speak. There was much girl talk, good food, and laughing. I'm gonna try to get back up here at some point over semester break so we can get together (she's staying here in St. Cloud at her apartment), but it was kinda a nice "see you later" meal since we won't be seeing each other again this semester.

Dropped Bri off at her place and drove on back to Q lot. It's a damned nice day outside, so I decided to bypass the bus and just walk the mile from where I parked back to my dorm room. Twas a very nice walk, and it helped work off the calories I ingested during lunch. ;) At the room, I finished *and* sent out most of my holiday cards (yay me!) - 13 in total, 11 of which I sent out today. Leo and Verena, you all are going to have to wait until I get home for yours because the stamp machine here on campus doesn't sell international stamps. Then I wandered over to the administration building in hopes of paying the 10 dollar fee I had for getting locked out of my room once this last semester. They sent me back over to the front desk here in the dorm room. Guess where the front desk people told me to go? Back to the business office in, you guessed it, the Administration building! I whined a bit, then I said "yeah, I'll pay it tomorrow" and came back here to my room. Will probably stay here the rest of the day playing on Shadowlite, cause I'm a geek like that and my last final is on Wednesday, so any necessary studying can be pushed off until tomorrow.

So, YAY for friends, food, and Nice Days! Not so YAY for finals, but YAY that one more is now finished, and then augh for walking in circles to pay one damned 10 dollar fee. YAYs outweigh the aughs, though, so is all good.

end of semester, friends, meteorology, school, food, day summary, finals

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