(no subject)

Dec 13, 2006 17:19

Have wrapped all the presents except for the ones I got online, which are going to be shipped home anyway so they won't get wrapped until next week. So, like, YAY for accomplishing something.

Have not, however, started holiday cards, but since I will have several days in which I have absolutely nothing to do thanks to classes being over, I have no doubt that I will start (and probably finish) them before I leave for home.

And, um. I went and bought another book today at Barnes and Nobles, which I really shouldn't have what with the whole spending 200 bucks on Christmas presents. But, in my defense, did I mention that I'm going to be here for several days without anything to do?

Wanna go hooooooome, yo. Three finals and one swim lesson before I can. Woe is me.

::wanders off to be bored::

end of semester, books, holiday cards, holiday

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