Buffy/Hercules the Legendary Journeys - When Hellmouths Collide

Dec 05, 2006 21:30

When Hellmouths Collide by Kimberley Rector and Martha Wilson. You wouldn't think it possible, but I guess in the world of fan fiction, *anything* is possible. The hard part is making it work *well*. And, miracle of miracles, that's exactly what Kimberley and Martha do. It *works*! Buffy, Giles, Willow, and Xander get sucked through a portal and end up in ancient Greece, where of course they run into Hercules and Iolaus (quite literally when it comes to Hercules and Buffy, at least). They then go through the country side killing Braccia (only spelled right)/vampires and taking turns saving each other's asses. We get early-seasons Buffy, Willow, *and* Xander in leather, plenty of banter, a little bit of snark, and a very plotty read that I might've spent an entire day reading when I should've been studying... ::shifty eyes::
Anyhoo, good story. Made even better by the fact that Jason, Autolycus, Xena and Gabrielle all show up at some point, and Willow is used as an object of blunt force! No worries, she has a blast doing it. ;)

hercules, fic recs, buffy

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