(no subject)

Nov 26, 2006 18:57

Back at school. Was a very long drive cause I only stopped once, but at least I made good time (pulled into the parking lot at 6:20 after leaving home at 1:50 this afternoon. So, about four and a half hours as compared to the usual 5 hours 15 minutes). I am now very very tired and really not in the mood to do homework. In fact, even though I know it will kill me tomorrow, I doubt I'll do anything school-related tonight, simply because my brain isn't functioning under normal parameters at the moment. Will more likely shower and go to bed early and proceed to hate school the next four weeks.

Why am I so tired, you ask? While the 4 and a half hour drive (two of which were done in the dark) probably has a lot to do with it, I'm assuming its mostly due to the fact that I spent the entire Thanksgiving weekend fighting off a cold. I am mostly better now, but I have a bit of a cough that will likely stick around for awhile and I am Very Tired. I mean, YAY having an immune system that will massacre the average cold virus within a matter of three or four days, but damned if it doesn't take it out of a girl.

end of semester, driving, brain broken, tired, sick

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