(no subject)

Nov 19, 2006 18:23

I got carded today. For buying an R-rated movie at Walmart. I didn't think they *did* card people for movies anymore, but it happened.

Cashier (scanning what I thought was the Christmas CDs I picked up): How old are you?
me: Um... 22
Cashier: Do you have any ID?
Me, totally confused, because WTF, for a Christmas CD?: Yeah, sure. ::digs out ID:: Although I admit to not being sure why it's needed.
Cashier: Its for the movie. ::looks at drivers license:: It's just that you looks so young
Me: ::kinda shocked, but in a good way:: Oh. Okay. Thanks, I'll take that as a compliment.

And it was a younger collage-age girl, not one of those dirty old men that are always saying stuff like that to me. Hell yeah. At age 22 I can still pass for 17 or younger, and I didn't even need the pigtails!

The movie in question was one I got out of the 2 for 11$ bin, called Detonator. It has Pierce Brosnan and Patric Stewart in it, and it had a picture of an explosion on the front, so I went for it despite the fact that I've never seen (or, really, even heard of) the movie. Guess we'll find out whether I like it or not in a few days. But considering it's name, at least I'm pretty sure I'll get some shiny explosions out of the deal. ;D

walmart, movies - made for tv/b-rated, shopping

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