(no subject)

Oct 16, 2006 21:30

I went into Walmart for a phone card. I came out with a phone card, two new DVDs (Dantae's Peak because it has volcanoes and explosions and Pierce Brosnen in flannel, and While You Were Sleeping because it is the single chick flick that I absolutely adore. And hey, they were in the 2 for $11 bin), two bags of chocolate (Doves Milk Chocolate and Hershey's's minis), and another bottle of shampoo and conditioner (which, admittedly, I did kinda need). YAY for stuff!

Also, Glycerin by Bush is now my ringtone. I wanted Chemicals Between Us, but alas, it wasn't available for download. However, YAY BushThatWasNeverPresident love!

Also, I just spent the last hour filling out accident reports from last Sunday. This was not fun, but alas, it must be done. Planning on taking Coyote in tomorrow to get him checked out, so then I can get the estimated cost of damages (if any) and send the suckers in before my 10 days run out (because while my parents received the reports a few days after the accident, they had to forward it to me here at my dorm address, and for some reason or another it took the majority of the week to get from Marshfield to St. Cloud. Meaning I got them only today, and I have to send them back by Thursday. Damn postal system. I suppose this is kinda a good thing, though, because otherwise I would have pushed them off until last minute, and that would be bad. But ugh, paperwork.

walmart, new stuff, accident, shopping

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