This is me attempting to post via email

Sep 25, 2006 21:28

Because I can, supposedly. It used to be I wanted this option because
Mom's computer at the YMCA back home had all sorts of internet blocks
and would only let you go to email sites. Since then, it's been
fixed, but still, might come in handy at some point.

Now, we shall see if it works as I click the Send button.

Spam, because I can: (aka, the two quotes I've aquired since I last
posted a Quote List episode, which will likely show up again next time
because I prefer being all metric-like and organized. ;) )

It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no
distinctly American criminal class except Congress.
~ Mark Twain

"So he saved my life and then he kicked me in the nuts," Ray told
Welsh. "Which is pretty much a metaphor for our entire relationship,
now that I think about it."
~ Ray Kowalski, Chicago's Most Wanted (Due South fic by Speranza)

Edit: 9:29 pm - Hey, lookie! It worked! Wonder if it works from my cell phone... (but I'm too lazy to try at the moment, so fear not)

email, spam, lj

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