Things I learned last night

Sep 05, 2006 08:42

* my mattress sags like a 90 year-old's boobs (no offense to any 90 year olds out there, I know several of you who have right perky boobs)
* there is a train track less than a block from the dorm, and trains use it on average about twice an hour - day and night
* ducks are nocturnal. Or at least the one that kept quacking all night out under my window was.
* Apparently, not a single door in this building can close without being slammed. That, more than anything, was the reason why I didn't doze off until almost 3:30 this morning - it being everyone else's last day of being able to sleep in in the morning, no one else in the building went to bed until 3 or later.

I'm okay with the trains and the traffic, but the doors slamming? That made my first night in the dorm rather sucky. I only hope I'll get used to it in time, and *soon* because I haven't had a decent night's sleep since Saturday and classes start at 9 tomorrow. First class is Trigonometry. So very much *not* looking forward to it.

On a brighter note, though, I have to say that my hair looks awesome this morning.

complaining, st. cloud, school, dorm

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