(no subject)

Aug 28, 2006 21:31

Did some more of the dread "shopping" today. I went into ShopKo for a few cheap shirts and maybe a blanket if they were on sale, and ended up coming out with *four* shirts (only one of which being cheap, the rest ranged from 9 to 15 dollars), a new swimming suit (though, seriously, I do need a new suit, and when you find one that was 70 bucks to begin with dropped down to 14 that's the right size, well... You do the math) and a blanket, and 70 dollars poorer. Everything I bought was on sale, too, though the one of the shirts did scan for full price rather than the 30% off, but I didn't notice it until after I left the building. So, yeah, an additional 5 bucks I wouldn't have otherwise spent, but dude... at 70$, 5 doesn't make a whole lot of difference. The blanket was 16 dollars down from 30, so that was a plus, and the swimming suit was a find, but still. $70 dollars? Dude, I don't even *like* shopping!

But, hey, at least now I have more a few more shirts that haven't passed into the realm of the divine yet (aka, holy. Or holey. However you wanna spell it). And one of them makes me look really hot. And another one has a dragon on it. Both of which are * really* comfortable.

Have also started packing for school, because OMG, leaving in less than a week! Okay, so I'm really not that nervous yet. And not nearly as anxious as I had been since I got my Financial Aid Awards letter today. Now all I gotta do is apply for the student lones online, and I should be set for the fall semester. Downside, however, is the fact that all of my financial aid information for the last 3 years seems to have disappeared, so I have no idea what bank I used as a loner for my Stafford lone, which means unless I *do* figure out what bank it was, I gotta go through the introduction thingymabob again (lone counseling?) and I'd really rather not. Taking an hour (or more) to answer questions on how to pay my lone and what an "interest rate" means and how royally screwed I'll be if I skip out on them or on school *after* accepting the lone just doesn't appeal to me, you know?

st. cloud, financial aid, school, shopping

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