(no subject)

May 02, 2006 13:49

This concert is so going to suck tonight

::wanders off to bang her head into the wall a few more times::

Also? I have no minutes on my cell phone anymore. Why? Because I didn't buy a new phone card within the two months requirement between buys. So, I not did I lose 40 bucks worth of minutes (I had about 150 minutes left and the cards cost $20 for 80 minutes), but now I have no way of contacting anyone on my cell phone until I go to Walmart and buy a new card.

That, on top of the choir concert tonight, me showing up at 1:06 to buy tickets for gramma and Dad when the box office closed at 1, and a paper due for PhyEd tomorrow morning that I haven't even started on, this whole "end of the semester" thing is really kicking my ass. Someone just kill me now. Seriously, you'd be doing me a favor.

end of semester, arrgh, phone, school, choir

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