(no subject)

Apr 08, 2006 07:29

Things I have to do today:
* Teach swim lessons from 8:45 until 11:15
* Guard from 12:45 to 3:15 for Healthy Kids Day (complete with waterslides and the Gladiator out. Oh joy.)
* Shower at some point
* Finish at least the Multiple Choice questions for Meteorology (and the investigations, if possible, because I'm going to need all day tomorrow to work on the PhyEd paper).
* Get to the UW by 7:00 and be ready to sing at the concert by 7:30 tonight (which means LISTEN to the alto "OOO" part of Just The Way You Look Tonight until your ears fall off and you can sing it in your sleep!)

Things I have to do tomorrow:
* Finish Meteorology
* try and start the Evil Horrible Philosophy paper about artificial intelligence and why or why not it could ever be considered human.

Something tells me it is going to be a very long weekend. ::sighs::

homework, meteorology, philosophy, to do, phy ed, choir

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