Random stuff

Mar 03, 2006 22:25

* YAY! Vala back on SG-1 tonight!

* it is really nice outside. I should so totally go take a walk or something. Done! Was a very short walk because about 3/4 of the way down the road it turned into mud and I really didn't feel like tromping through that. YAY walks!

* YAY! I have money in the bank!

* the Music Meme is still wide open for buisness. Come on, don't any of you love me? So far I've only had two requests! ::feels unloved:: ::is so totally comment whoring::

* Chili for dinner. It smells yummy.


Poll Sleepy Time

* I want cake. Or brownies. Anyone wanna send me cake and/or brownies?

* I did have a cookie at the bank today, though. They had free coffee and cookies. Mmm, cookies.

* this is just a cool picture.

* I have a bunch of Meteorology homework to do this weekend. I don't wanna. ::sulks::

* I so very much do not want to work tomorrow.

* I am very tired. To stay up and watch SG Atlantis or not to stay up and watch SG Atlantis, that is the question... ::yawns::

* These sound really really good. I want one.

Right then, I think that's enough for now. Especially considering this window has been open for, like, 5 hours now. Me thinks I'ma gonna set the receiver to record Atlantis for me and go to bed; I don't care if it's only 10:24 pm.

sg1, adorable, random, pic spam, meteorology, poll, sga, food

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