(no subject)

Jan 22, 2006 09:44

Awake now. Well, actually, have been awake since about 7-ish or there abouts (there are no functioning clocks in this house!), but I stayed in bed cause Emily didn't get there until around 7-ish either, so I didn't want to get up and wake her up, so I stayed in bed. Had weird dreams, none of which i remember, but YAY actually sleeping a bit! Not much, granted, cause I went to bed at 3-ish and only really dozed for the most part, but there were a few times where I woke up and the light in the room had changed quite a bit, so I think I got at least two hours.

On a totally and completely different note, I reeeeeeeeeeeally want this day to go by uber slow because I *so* do not want to go back to school tomorrow. I mean, usually I'm all "YAY! Something to keep me occupied for most of the day!" But not so much this time around. Not sure why, but I am blaming it entirely on my online class. ANd maybe the fact that in order to find enough credits to become a full time student, I had to take PhyEd Fitness for Life - a class I *had* been trying to avoide due to the fact that is run by my mom's old boss John, also known as the Gym Nazi around campus. ::sighs::

emmies, meteorology, phy ed, sleep deprived, school, blah

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