(no subject)

Dec 21, 2005 08:46

Don't suppose anyone wants to buy me a two month paid account? Because I want to poll, dammit! Maybe I'll by a year long one as a present to myself... But, all I want to do is poll! It's kinda a waste of money since I'm likely to use *maybe* 15 to 20 of the 100 icons, I won't use *any* of the storage space, and I have enough trouble staying caught up with my normal friends list, so I don't need the friends friends option. Just, I wanna poll, dammit! Is that too much to ask?
::debates sending a beggy email to the LJ people to explain to them why the only option I use from the paid accounts is the polls, and can I trade my three new icons back for the ability to poll? I'd even pay them money if I could become a permanent poller. Or something::

/annoying poll whine

In other news, it's snowing! Yay snow! And I have no finals today! Still gotta work at 12, but YAY no thinking for the day.
Also, amazon.com tells me they're experiencing a delay with my shipment. Ah, well, at least they were nice enough to send half of my order, so I won't be totally present-less for the holidays. Still waiting on my gramma's and my brother's presents, but the one I picked up for my cousin and myself (for I am a book whore) are on their way. This is what happens, children, when you order your Christmas presents less than a week before Christmas. (though they *would* have gone through almost two weeks ago now if Amazon.com hadn't, for some weird reason, switched the payment method to my last debit card that expired a year ago without my knowing it, so they had to send me an informative email saying that they couldn't ship the stuff since the payment method hadn't been selected. Ah, the joys of shopping online.)

christmas, weather, poll, amazon.com, snow, presents, lj

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