(no subject)

Sep 09, 2002 11:09

Okies... Still struggling through this evil cold, but I think slowly but surely I am getting better... Not sneezing as much, which is always a plus, and I can actually sorta breathe today.
Called work, told them I was sick and didn't thing I should come in... Crisanne asked if I could come in later today, 2:30 instead of 11, cause she was really really short handed. Of course, me being the good little worker I am, said yes... ::sighs::
But, hey, at least I don't have to worry about making the nursery kids sick... That was my major concern.

In other news, the numbers are in, and that's it... Sci-Fi will not be picking up Farscape for a 5th season. We're still trying to get another network to pick it up (TNT, UPN, or Showtime, maybe), but of all those, I only get TNT... ::sighs sadly::
Hey, at least we tried. And, we still have another half season to look forward to here in the US, and other countries around the world have more then that... So, I guess we can't complain.
It's life, and it happens... ::shrugs::

farscape, sick

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