(no subject)

Nov 08, 2005 22:05

I have... totally forgot what I was going to say here.

Um... YAY CAKE! Which, you know, I have none of, but... it would be really really good if I did have some. I have Nerds! Which are almost as good. But cake would be so much better.

Yeah, that was random.

Also, so far only like 4 people have signed up to get Holiday Cards from me. Requests are still waaaaay way wide open cause, yeah... I spent 11 bucks on holiday cards, so I kinda, you know, actually wanna send some out. Doncha all love me anymore? ::sniffs::

And I still haven't remembered what I opened this window for. So, um... YAY CHEESE! And cake. Just, like, not together... unless it's cheese cake. Mmm, cheesecake...

random, holiday cards, spam, food

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