Sep 08, 2005 16:50
Oy. I have forgotten how to do anything beyond simple algebra, it seems. First assignment for my Math 110 class was a review of what we *should* have learned in 105. 30 problems and it took me *three friggin hours* to finish, and that was *with* the help of the math teacher on the first day. So, yes, Maren feels sufficiently stupid for her first week of class. I managed to pass 105 with a B+, by the way, but that was a whole year ago now since I took that totally and completely mind-numbingly useless Math for Elementary School Teachers last year. So, yes... I've forgotten how to do everything. It all comes back to me once the teacher has explained it, but that only lasts as long as the, like, three problems per "section" we get in the review. As soon as it goes from "Multiplying and dividing fractions" to "factoring equations", well... I get to start all over with the whole "wow I feel stupid" thing. I did, however, manage to find my notes and assignments (or at least most of them) from Math 105, though, so that helped immensly. But, yeah... I am really *not* looking forward Math 110. Which I have again in half an hour. ::sighs::
I am, however, very very happy with the texts that were picked for my Ant 102 class, though. We were assigned to read the first to chapters of Frauds, Myths, and Mysteries for tomorrow, and I really like what I've read so far. In fact, the only reason I haven't finished that reading yet is because the person who had my copy of the book before me was a bit highlighter-happy (aka, I see more yellow and blue than white on most of the pages), and ye *gads*, if there's one thing I hate, it's obsessive highlighting. I still see the retinal ghost/burn/whatever of the bright yellow and blue on the inside of my eyelids every time I blink, and as it stands I only got about 6 pages in before the UberBrightColor started hurting my eyes and I gave up. Am this||close to ordering a new copy off of, even if it does cost me an arm and a leg (the used copy I got, which was really worn our and bent and, as mentioned before, HIGHLIGHTED cost me 30-something bucks, and I don't think I'll be able to send it back since I had to buy it online off some text book website). But, as I think it'll be something I use fairly regularly even after I'm finished with the class, I think it might be worth it if only to get away from the blindingly bright colors on every page (seriously. Not kidding. *EVERY PAGE*!) that I would otherwise have to face.
On a completely and totally different note, *why* must my muses decide to start whispering ideas into my head *NOW*, when I HAVE NO FRIGGING TIME?! It's just not nice, doncha know. I spent a half an hour last night *after* I had gone to bed scribbling out a conversation for a Ginny/Tom fic (which, by the way, will probably never see the light of day, so don't get any ideas)... Guess this is what I get for starting to reread the Harry Potter books two weeks before classes start. ::sighs::
math 110