pointless quiz spam

Jul 12, 2005 19:06

Because, really, I have nothing better to do.
::ignores the fact that she's skip=250 on her friends list, still hasn't signed up for classes for fall semester and hasn't applied for financial aid yet, bought plane tickets to Germany yet, or cleaned her room in over a year::

These are all taken from the same sight, which in my expierence, was blessedly pop-up free if that bothers anyone (I know the whole pop up thing bothers the hell out of me. 3 out of every 5 pop ups I get spammed with tend to have attached viruses, so the whole lack of pop up things on a quiz site is like... dream come true. Which is probably why there are so many under the cut.

You Are 33% American
America: You don't love it or want to leave it. But you wouldn't mind giving it an extreme make over.
On the 4th of July, you'll fly a freak flag instead...
And give Uncle Sam a sucker punch!

How American Are You?

That's about right. I am not proud to be an American, but you don't see me doing anything about it except complain and praise the fact that Wisconsin is more Canadian than American anyway.

In a Past Life...

You Were: A Genius Jester.

Where You Lived: Egypt.

How You Died: The Plague.
Who Were You In a Past Life?

Um... Go me?

Slow and Steady
Your friends see you as painstaking and fussy.

They see you as very cautious, extremely careful, a slow and steady plodder.

It'd really surprise them if you ever did something impulsively or on the spur of the moment.

They expect you to examine everything carefully from every angle and then usually decide against it.

How Do People See You?

So, for those of you who actually met me in real life, how accurate is this? Me, I think it's kinda hit middle ground - usually I try and come off as friendly and cheerful with people who don't know me, though I know I probably come off more like a bitch. No idea how I come off to my friends.

You are dreamy, peaceful, and young at heart.
Optimistic and caring, you tend to see the best in people.
You tend to be always smiling - and making others smile.

You are shy and intelligent... and a very hard worker.
You're also funny, but many people don't see your funny side.
Your subtle dry humor leaves your close friends in stitches.

The World's Shortest Personality Test

That's scarily accurate.

You are

What Rejected Crayon Are You?


The Keys to Your Heart

You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.

In love, you feel the most alive when everything is uncertain, one moment heaven... the next moment hell.

You'd like to your lover to think you are loyal and faithful... that you'll never change.

You would be forced to break up with someone who was ruthless, cold-blooded, and sarcastic.

Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets.

Your risk of cheating is low. Even if you're tempted, you'd try hard not to do it.

You think of marriage something you've always wanted... though you haven't really thought about it.

In this moment, you think of love as something you don't need. You just feel like flirting around and playing right now.

What Are The Keys To Your Heart?

Eh, they got it kinda 50/50 there.

You Are an Iced Coffee

At your best, you are: hyper, modern, and athletic

At your worst, you are: cheap and angsty

You drink coffee when: you're out with friends

Your caffeine addiction level: medium
What Kind of Coffee Are You?

Considering I don't drink coffee, this is pretty unaccurate, but I thought I would post it for the many caffine addicts on my friends list if they were interested.

Your Birthdate: February 1

Your birthday suggests that are executive ability and leadership qualities in your makeup.

A birthday on day 1 of any month gives a measure of will power and self-confidence, and very often a rather original approach.

This 1 energy may diminish your ability and desire to handle details, preferring instead to paint with a broad brush.

You may be sensitive, but your feelings stay rather repressed.

What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

This one, however, is pretty accurate. YAY birthday meaning!

Your Aquarius Drinking Style

Aquarius and drinking don't go together that well (except for water, that is).
You have an innate tendency toward know-it-allism, and if you get an idea while sizzled, you're more stubborn than a stain or a stone.
If you're throwing a party or organizing an outing, however, you're too preoccupied with their duties to get combative -- and you make perfectly charming drunks in that case.

Fortunately, you're usually capital drink-nursers.
You also make the best-designated drivers (if people can get you before you start raising your wrist).
You are fascinated by drunken people and capable of holding interesting conversations with soused strangers while sober.Your Signature CocktailsAquarius is likely to order stuff most people have never heard of: a capirinha, Satan's whiskers, a negroni, an Arthur Tompkins. You like to stump the bartender. This sign rules the color electric blue, and you would be pleased by any tipple featuring blue curacao. You also rule the olive tree, so pour the juice into that dirty martini.Your Celebrity Drinking BuddiesParis Hilton, Jennifer Aniston, Ellen DeGeneres, Dr. Dre, Ashton Kutcher, Christina Ricci, Justin Timberlake, and Elijah Wood.

What's Your Alcohoroscope?

Also pretty accurate. Water=gooooooooooooood

The True You
You want your girlfriend or boyfriend to be more relaxed, calm, and composed.With respect to money, you spend as little as possible.You think good luck will definitely be yours, someday.The hidden side of your personality tends to be satisfied to care for things with a minimal amount of effort.You have a tendency to overdo things, but basically you value your friendships highly.When it comes to finding a romantic partner, you will search and search until you find your perfect match.

Who's the True You?

Another "Eh" one, but this one is closer than the last one was.

Aaaaand I think that's more than enough for now.

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