(no subject)

Jun 14, 2005 08:03

They need to make caffeinated hot chocolate or something for those of us who need a quick pick me up but can't stand the taste of coffee, no matter how much cream or sugar you put into it. (though if you put enough hot chocolate mix in it, at least I can swollow it without gagging for the time being)

As for why I would require such caffeine, that would be because I'm running on three hours of sleep (after only getting 5 the night before last), yet I still have to work in an hour and leave in a half hour. I'm hoping the coffee, vile as it is, will caffeinated me enough to keep me from driving off the road on my way to work and on my way back.

Of course, as caffeine has never had much of an effect on me unless I wanted it too, I'm not sure how well this whole thing will work out. I should be okay for two hours or there abouts, at least, so at least I should be able to get into town without incident. I hope.

sleep deprived, blah, coffee

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