SG Atlantis fic rec

May 03, 2005 20:54

The Crane Wife by Brighid brighidestone
This is a short little bit that gives insight on an otherwise minor character in the SG Atlantis fandom - Miko, a Chinese? scientist who works under McKay. Short, and very sweet, with a touch of angst but otherwise leaving you with quite a hopeful feeling.

"Hmm." Alise cocks her head to the side and that is something Miko thinks that she will never become accustomed to, the incredibly pale wideness of western eyes. It is a wonder they can keep any secrets at all. "Show me how?" Alise asks, sinking into something like lotus. Miko slides over a handful of the candy wrappers the young lieutenant had given her, and begins showing Dumais the careful, precise folds.

"Cranes are long life," she says and Alise laughs.

"Then let us make as many of the little fuckers as we can," Alise says. Her long fingers are sure and agile and catch on quickly. By the time they run out of scraps Miko has folded twenty-eight and Alise fourteen, the whole time deliberately not thinking of aliens who consumed you from the inside out.

fluff, sga, fic recs

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