(no subject)

Apr 20, 2005 21:32

Okay, now for an actual post. Or, well, fandom post? Because it pretty much consists of

Okay, usually? I don't get freaked out by all the weird/creepy stuff that sometimes happens on most of the shows I watch. I might say something like "Eeeeew!" or "Ouch... that had to hurt" or something like that, but after another few minutes the thing I was "ew"ing or "ouch"ing at will kinda fade from my mind as I get absorbed by the rest of the episode. Very rarely has anything I saw on a television series or a movie haunted me, no matter how weird or freaky it was. However, on Revelations tonight when they were on the plane, there were these chicks that looked like almost exact replicas of each other, eyeing Richard? (whoever Pullman's character is) and the nun-lady. A few minutes later, the lights of the plane flickered on and off for a few second for some reason (I missed the first 20 minutes or so of this episode cause I was cooking dinner) and, if I'm not mistaken, the freaky clone ladies - who were still staring at Pullman's character - well, their eyes glowed really scarily every time the lights flashed off. The glowing eyes thing? Creeped the *hell* out of me. To the point where I seriously shuddered and snuggled closer into my pillow. And that scene is *still* freaking the hell out of me, even almost an hour later... To the point where I'm sitting her typing and trying to resist the urge to go grab a teddy bear and hide under my blanket for the rest of the night. And I'm still shuddering every 5 minutes or so...

Just... wow. Koodoes to whoever the hell the writers are for this series for effecting me *this* much with one little scene. Thanks to you, I am *so* going to have nightmares tonight... ::shudders again::

Mark your calanders, people! The infallible Ice Queen has fallen! The unfreakable Maren has been seriously freaked out by a television series! Maybe it really is the end of the world like they're predicting in Revelations. ;)

Two episodes in, and I am already hopelessly addicted to this series... Not even Farscape and NCIS hooked me this fast, and I doubt this one will be very good for my health and emotional well-being either. For I am still freaked out and I think I shall go find that teddy bear now. ::wanders off up to her room:: ::returns with stuffed Shamu and reads fic to try and make the Scary!Bad! ladies go away::

revelations, freakage, spoilers

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