t3h h0tn355! /evil teenie bopper writing

Apr 14, 2005 18:42

::shock:: I'm actually posting three consecutive days in a row! During the last month of the semester! Someone better check outside to make sure the world is still there... ;)

Anyhoo, on to the point of this post.
Yesterday (or the day before?) I mentioned something about my hottie pictures in my LJ, and a few people requested visuals on that. So, for those who are interested, I grace you with the

At least when it comes to me. :D Whee, isn't cleavage *fun*? Both taken circa 2001/2002 ish, I do believe, as they were my senior pictures. But, I look pretty much the same. Sorry about the second one... It scanned rather dark and I was too lazy to go fix it. In actuality it's about two or three shades lighter, and you can see the pretty flower pattern on the bottom of my jeans. :)

pic spam, me

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