Oh, hey, now I remember what else I was gonna talk about.
NBC has been advertising this new movie called
Revelations, and I'm torn between curiosity and my love of Bill Pullman, and the fact that it looks like another one of those films that might tend to stuff religion down your throat. I'm hoping it'll be more like Stigmata, which while being a religious film, did so in a way that gave you the story without proclaiming "Only through God can you be SAVED!" In fact, it didn't really even give Christianity that good of a rep considering it was all about how the church (Catholic, I think?) had hidden important information from us for the past two thousand years.
I'll probably end up watching it anyway, as curiosity always tends to win in these situations. I figure if I don't like it within the first few minutes, I can always turn it off. And, you know, it *does* mention something about Armageddon, so maybe I'll get a few pretty explosions out of the deal. :D
Also, does anyone else know where the hell that actress is from? I see her in the commercials and it annoys the *crap* out of me that I can't place the face.