(no subject)

Feb 13, 2005 12:15

Ah, yes... You have not lived until the hot water decides to cut out on you just as you get yourself all lathered up. And we're not talking the "Oh, golly gee, there isn't any more hot water left, so I'll just give them the luke-warm swimming-pool temperature until they stop long enough for me to reheat" kinda cut out, but the total hot-water turn off, going-from-115-to-40-in-0.7-seconds-flat kind of cut out. It might even be refreshing on a hot summer afternoon, but most decidedly *not* fun in the middle of February.

So, yes, dad finally got our new hot water heater installed yesterday. My shower this morning was the test run, and lemme tell you, I think there still *might* be a few glitches in the system. At least only my hair was lathered up and not everything else. I can stand to run my head under freezing water for a minute or two. Had the rest of me also been lathered up, I would have just taken my chances with a towel and spend the rest of the day itchy.

arrgh, mechanical fail, water fun, annoying, cold

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