just a little request

Jan 23, 2005 12:38

This is kinda out of the blue, but does anyone else who uses Hotmail miss the "Block" option that used to be available in our inbox? Now all we have is "Junk", and despite my avid use of it, I am still being plagued with tons of junk mail - and this is after keeping my inbox mercifully clean of spam since '98 when I first got a hotmail account, all thanks to that spiffy block button. I mean, I love the fact that they gave us all tons more storage and bigger attachments, but why did they have to take away our block button?

So, I sent them (through the 'feedback' link) a note requesting if there's any way to get the block option back... And I'm wondering if anyone else who misses it would mind sending in their own polite two-cents worth about it? I mean, I doubt one e-mail will do a whole lot of good... and probably not even two or three, but a good handful sent in at roughly the same time might catch their eye.

And here ends this episode of LJ spam.

annoyed, hotmail, request

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