threesome! With the Emmies and the Melody!

Oct 03, 2004 20:38

I had Emily handcuffed in my bed! And Melody has the pictures to prove it. ;) Or, well, pictures of Emily wearing my fuzzy black handcuffs. Alas, we were outside when she took them, but she really was handcuffed in my bed, too. :D

Anyhoo, was a very fun night. Emmies and Melody showed up around 5:45-ish and we took Niner for a walk down the road in which we each took off our shirts in turn (or at least lifted up our shirts. Emily was the only one who actually took hers off), and there was much groping and goosing involved. Then we headed into Marshfield to get fixings for smores (I wonder how the cashier knew we were making smores... I mean, all we had was marshmallows, chocolate bars, and gram crackers ;)) and then off for some dinner at China Cafe. Food was good, company even gooder (yes, not a word, I know, but I don't care!).

After that we headed back here to my place where me and Melody tried to start a fire (which we only needed like an entire news paper to start... we were so never meant to start fires) and Emily continued playing with my fuzzy handcuffs. Melody got lots of pictures of me trying to start the fire, Emily handcuffed to one of our lawn chairs, and my flaming penis of doom. ;) They headed out around 8, in which I turned off the yard light to walk them to the car and wow them with the star-gazing power we have out here (and we saw a shooting star! Great way to end an evening, no? :D ) before one last three-way hug (in which my face was planted right in between Melody and Emily's boobs... lucky me ;) ) before they drove off back to Wausau.

So, yes, was a very very good night. Hopefully we can do it again sometime when we have more then a few hours to spend together. :D

friends, emmies, fun, bonfire

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