Question for you all... (appoligies to the communities I'm on for the OT post!)

Jul 12, 2002 18:36

I'm thinking about creating a Witchblade Fans Community, if there isn't already one made. What I would like to know is how many people might actually join if I did create one, and what are some possible name to call it. Someone already has the name WitchBlade in Live Journal, and I don't think there can be two journals with one name. So far, all I've come up with is Witchbladefans. (creative, ain't it!) :D

So, I ask you all now those two questions. 1) If a Witchblade community was created, would anyone want to join? and 2) If I do create one, what would you think would be a good name?

(Well, actually, 3 questions, the last one being whether or not someone has already created a Witchblade Community. If someone already has, I wanna join! ;) )

Anyhoo, I'm asking and posting on what few communities I'm already on, as well as my own personal one.

Feedback is appreciated! I would love to hear from some of you. :)


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