(no subject)

Jul 08, 2002 21:16

Hey! Jerry O'Connal is on Crossing Jordan!
::pouts:: Suddenly I seriously miss Sliders... :(

Ok, anyways, back to the reason I'm posting...
Does anyone know if there's a Witchblade Community? Cause, if there is, I really wanna join!
I think I have turned into a Witchblade Obsesser... That hasn't happened since Farscape, man!
Ug... God, I'm even getting all excited about next weeks ep cause Kyle is on it!!! (Jarod's brother from Pretender) And this weeks ep just ended 10 minutes ago!
Grrrrr... ARG! Why can't it be next Monday, dammit!

Ok, everyone is looking at me funny now... Time to end this session of "Thy Ramblings of Maren..."
::wanders off to wish it was next Monday in a corner somewhere:: ::finds said corner and sulks::

sliders, witchblade

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