(no subject)

May 29, 2004 23:03

Kill Bill Vol. 1 is one of the stupidest and most pointless movies ever... it's only redeeming factors are the really great choreography, pretty swords, and a *really* good soundtrack.

However, the lack of any conceivable plot and really really fake gore isn't going to stop me from seeing the second one when I get the chance... Why, you ask? Because David Carradine is in Vol. 2. Yes, I know, so very shallow of me, but dammit, I miss my Kung Fu! And seriously, I wasn't kidding about the great soundtrack and pretty swords...

I honestly never even wanted to see the first one... I mean, dude, I already knew it had no plot except to kill a lot of people and I was *pretty* sure I wouldn't be all that lost if I saw the second one going in cold. Buuuut, my dad apparently didn't realize the first movie isn't necessary to understand what's going on in the second (he also only wants to see it for David Carradine, and for Daryl Hannah) and rented it from Hollywood video for a buck... And he got icked out with all the squirting blood and stopped watching about three fourths of the way through the movie... This amused me to no end. Parents are so ignorant some times. :D

Other then snarking at the movie, I really haven't done much today. Finished that Pitch Black fic Cristin linked me to a few days ago this afternoon and then took a nap. Or at least tried to take a nap. Didn't really sleep much, though. Mostly just layed on my bed with my eyes closed for two hours.

Behold, it is my life! And a sad, sad life it is... ::sighs::

bored, david carradine, movies

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