(no subject)

May 14, 2004 10:49

I didn't sleep at all last night. Was studying until 11:30, and I would have studied longer if I hadn't been planning getting up early to continue from where I left off... when my brain *wasn't* sleep deprived and muddled to the point where I was totally screwing up problems I could have otherwise done in my sleep I was hoping that I wouldn't be too keyed up/stressed out to sleep, but that was one hope that didn't work out (my brain has a tendency to think too much when it comes to big tests I'm not ready for, even after I've ordered it not to think about the test when I need sleep. At least it wasn't thinking about math, which is what I told it to do... but it still was thinking too much). From the moment I turned the lights out at 12-ish to the moment I turned them back on at 5 (alarm was set to go off at 6, but I figured if I did finally manage to fall asleep, the one hour I would get really wouldn't be worth it), I was wide awake. I figured an extra hour of studying would do more good then another hour not sleeping, so I got up and did just that. So, I was up at 5:00 to get in another two hours of study time, and then I had my math final at 8 o'clock this morning. Needless to say, I don't think I did too well on it. But, at least I can take comfort in the fact that even if I only get a 50% on it, the lowest my final grade will be is a B.

Aaaaand, to make matters *all* the more exhilarating, I have to work 3:30 to 6:00 tonight... Something tells me I'm gonna be rather dead by the time I get home.

end of semester, algebra, sleep deprived, finals

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