(no subject)

May 02, 2004 22:02

Physics can bite me. ::fights the urge to throw her physics book out the window::

That said,
"I find you sexy, Jack... Deal with it." Heh... Go Auntie Isabella.

and, not really spoilerish, but
I don't like the camera angles they're using... all the zooming in and zooming out and zipping from the faces of two characters all of two feet apart is giving me a headache. But YAY Duke brother Luke as a main character! You know something? That guy does lots of natural disaster movies... I saw him yesterday in two movies on ABC Family, "Night of the Twisters" (which is so so fake, by the way... these producers/directors *really* should do their homework before making movies like that) and "Lightning - Fire from the Sky" I think it was called (not sure how realistic this one was, since I don't know as much about lightning as I do tornadoes, but it had pretty lights in the sky). And now he's in "10.5"... I wonder if he was a Meteorology/Geography major or something... Or maybe he was a Storm Chaser wannabe...

end of semester, physics, alias, movies - made for tv/b-rated, natural disasters, spoilers

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