Apr 06, 2004 20:32
What more could you ask for?
If you can't tell by that lovely subject header, today has been a pretty damn good day for me... there really isn't much that could have made it better, except maybe having someone to share it with, not failing my physics quiz, and a bra that didn't itch most of the day. :)
It started out with the news that the temps were gonna be in the mid 60s with clear skies and just enough breeze to keep you from roasting... so nice that I wore a tank top for the first time this year, even if I did wear my favorite black flannel to cover my icky shoulders... (gotta love acne scars) :) I also drove into town for my 11:00 class with the windows open on the car. The day was so nice, in fact, that Iddy let out class like 15 minutes early.
After my first class I did some driving around Marshfield searching for the ever-elusive Prince of Egypt soundtrack. Checked Target first - they didn't have it - and next I went to ShopCo where I found it right away (or at least almost right away since it took me a few seconds to find the 'P' section) for the price of... this is the best part... only *6* bucks! I was expecting to pay at least 12 for a CD and maybe 9 for a cassette, if I could even find it! So, yes, that made Maren happy.
After I found my long sought after treasure (okay, so I was looking for all of 20 minutes, but I've wanted the soundtrack for several days now... ;) ), I headed to Subway to pick up a yummy lunch consisting of a 6 inch ham and cheese on Hearty Italian with lettuce, mayo, and pickles, a bag of Funions, and a root beer, and then I headed back across town to park it right on the water front of Wildwood Park and Zoo. There I cranked up the radio (or at least what I consider cranking, which is like a half turn of the dial, which really isn't much) and ate my nummy sub to the 80s Lunch hour on WSPT while watching the seagulls fight over french fries some little kids were throwing out to them.
Once the food was all eaten, I went to wander through the zoo for 45 minutes or so. All of the animals were out, including the grizzly bear, and there were lots of other people taking advantage of the nice temps there as well. Spent a few minutes at each cage, maybe spending a *little* more time at the wolf pen then I did everywhere else. (they were both out and running around, either waiting for lunch or just enjoying the nice weather like myself. :) ) I also spend a few minutes feeding the duckies and gooses, the latter of which came right up to me as soon as they realized I was getting corn from one of the little 'gum ball' machines they have there, and they ate right out of my hands when I offered some corn in one or the other. One of the geese also gave me this dirty look after I told it that I didn't have anymore corn... Jeez, ya think they would be a little more grateful! :D But, it was much with the fun.
After the zoo, I went down the road to Dairy Queen to treat myself to a grape Mister Misty before heading back to the university around 2-ish to spend the last two hours or so before my 4:30 class sitting in the commons rereading Storm Warning by Mercedes Lackey, where I found about 70 cents in the couch cushions where I was sitting... doncha love it when that happens?
And, for once physics was actually kinda *fun*. We just went over a practice test to help study for the actual test we're taking on Thursday, and I shocked the teacher with my knowledge of dew point and some other meteorology-related question. I love it when I can sound like a smart-ass. :D Anyway, we finished going over the practice test and still had like 25 minutes left in class, 10 of which was spent flustering the teacher by asking him if we could write up a note card to use on the test come Thursday like he let us do last time. But, that was because we had all these formulas to remember. This time we don't have any formulas, so a few girls in class were basically asking if they could bring a note card with all the answers on it to class to use on the test... He took the confusion that suggestion obviously caused him with quite good grace, even if he was very obviously flustered as to how to deal with such a suggestion, before also letting us out of class 15 minutes early, which is always nice.
The drive home was also spend with the windows open and the radio loud-ish, and because we got out early, I got home before 6 so I still had about an hour and a half of daylight to burn outside before the sun set. 20 or so of that hour and a half was spend listening to my new Prince of Egypt soundtrack and attempting to sing to the non-Whitney Huston/Mariah Carry version of "When You Believe". It's a little higher and quite a bit slower then what I would prefer singing too, but not beyond my range and waaaaay better then the crap that Whitney and Mariah put out, so I'll manage with a little more practice hopefully.
After that I spent another half hour or so outside playing with Niner, who apparently got a bath this afternoon and now smells like violets (according to my father, she took a dip in the creek down the road when he and Mom were taking her for a walk, and then proceeded to go roll in the manure our neighbors had just spread on their field). I also gave her a good brushing and spread her excess fur all over our yard for the birds to use to build their nests... :)
And, by then it was time for NCIS to come on, so I spent the last hour watching that. Seriously, this show is well on it's way to becoming another favorite. The snark is just so perfect. :) And the fact that Mark Harmon and Michael Whatshisface (Logan from Dark Angel) are both in it and the characters behind most of the snark just makes it all the better... :D
So, yes. Today was a very good day in my book. Hopefully there are more to come. :)
geography: natural disasters,
day summary,