Damn. Joan of Arcadia almost made me cry again... This show is gonna turn me into a wimp, I just know it. Also,
SQUEEEE! Serious Adam/Joan shippyness! ::happy dances:: I may love the boy to death, but I figure since I ain't ever gonna have him (::sigh::), Joan is the next best thing. Those two are good for each other... I only wish I had a friendship like that... ::pouts::
Aaand I really don't have anything to say about JAG.
In other news, wow am I tired... I think I got all of three (four at the most) hours of sleep last night on top of making myself get up before 7 to write that damn paper... I went to bed a like 11:30 and don't think I fell asleep until like 3, if I fell asleep at all... All I know for sure is that there was lots of tossing and turning due to my brain not wanting to turn off, and then I woke up at like 4:55 (or at least I opened my eyes... Dunno if I had really been asleep or not) and more tossing and turning commenced for the three more hours I stayed in bed... So, yeah, restless night with very little sleep makey Maren rather tired at the moment... At this rate I'm wondering if I'll even be able to stay up until 11 to catch the new Andromeda that's on - even if I haven't watched the series in like two years and will probably be totally and utterly lost (just someone please tell me that Tyr is still there? Him, Harper, old!Trance, and pretty ship and Kevin hair are the only reasons I watched the show in the first place... ::shifty eyes:: Okay, so the only reason I watched the show in the first place because it was another space drama... with a cool ship... and pretty Kevin hair. Tyr and everyone else was just a bonus. :D Shallow? Who, me? ;) ), but dammit! I still intend to get back into it! And didn't Michael Shanks have a guest spot as a bad boy on one of the more recent episodes? Cause, dude, if a chance to see Bad Boy Danny again (slim though it might be, cause with my luck his character probably died) ain't more incentive to watch, then I don't know what is... :D