(no subject)

Jan 25, 2004 12:50

I had a dream last night... Don't remember much of it, but I do seem to remember it taking place at my dad's old store and me and my family were being held for ransom by several not nice guys. *Why* they were holding a poor family like us who have nothing of value except two 5 year old computers which have both seen better days and one 10-15 year old TV who's speakers are going, I don't know, but that's what they were doing. I also remember that we tried to get away several times and failed, and that when we finally *did* escape, it was as simple as slipping out the door while the bad guys weren't looking, and when they saw me slipping out to join the rest of my family, the one that was 'guarding' me didn't do anything to stop us... I just told him "I gotta go do something..." and he let me go. I had also set a fire in the bathroom with a few explosive aerosol cans set by it to keep them from coming after us, and once we had gotten far enough away I started crying because I had never killed anyone. My parents said that it was necessary, that it had to be done and that we had no other choice. To this I agreed, because I knew that that was exactly what the bad guys had planned for us; whether or not the ransom was paid, we were still dead. But I still told them "Necessary or not, it still made me into a cold blooded murderer." I think I woke up sometime after that very depressed.

In other news, I'm frelling cold. And hungry. But food won't be done for another half hour to 45 minutes yet or more... ::whiiiiines:: But, Lethal Weapon 2 is on, so YAY!

dreams, lethal weapon, cold

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