(no subject)

Jan 11, 2004 16:16

Yesterday we had a hymn sing at church with a carry in dinner following... we called it "Sing for your Supper" and I was really impressed with how many people who showed up... Mom says she counted something like 35, and we spend a whole hour singing favorite songs and hymns before dinner. They actually wanted to *keep* singing a little longer, so that was nice. My voice started hurting about half way through, so after that I didn't sing quite as loud and I wouldn't sing anything above a B or a C. I'm still coughing today because of it. But, it was fun, and who am I to turn down free food? :D

My gramma is up here watching the Packer game with my parents. We have all sorts of munchie and finger foods on the table which we've been working on for this so called "party" (if you can call four people, one of whom (me) isn't even really watching the game, and a dog a 'party'). Maren is very full... but does that stop her from going after another few corn chips and taco dip? No sirr-ee! YAY munchie foods! Any way, apparently todays game is a pretty important one for the Packers and their chance at getting into the Superbowl... woopiee, go Packers - all the way ::unenthusiastically waves a mini green and gold pom-pom:: Yeah, like I really give a damn... all I want to do is take a nap, but my room is cold and I dun wanna go up there. So, instead, I sit here typing at my computer... exciting, no? :)

Buuut, in other news, YAY! It's snowing! ::happy dance:: Who cares if it's the start to another whole week of son-of-a-bitching cold of the negative degree, it's snow! YAY!

Hoooly cow, Favre just threw a 55 yard touchdown pass... Damn, that's impressive, even if the game as a whole really isn't. So, I'll allow myself this little moment of Wisconsin pride... WOOO! GO FAVRE! You might be an ass-hole, but you sure do have one hell of an arm.

football, weather, snow, food, family

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