Spoiler time!

Jan 09, 2004 23:39

Just a few comments...
1. Major owwieness with Rocky being dead... Poor Joan.
2. HELL YEAH for Kevin finally starting to live again. And that quote in the hospital was just the best...
::shouting after Bear:: "...for your information there's a whole list of girls who have no complaints about my talents between the sheets! A WHOLE LIST!!!" ::stops and notices the rest of his family standing in the doorway to his hospital room giving him *really* weird looks:: ::looks sheepish and gives the excuse:: "I'm on pain killers..."
3. Go Luke! For the awesome science project and putting the moves on Grace.
4. Major ouchness with the Adam and his mom's letter angst fest... {{{{hugs Adam}}}}}
5. Thank frelling *god* for Joan and Adam back to being friends...
6. AND THEY KISSED!!! HALLI-FUCKIN-LUA! It's about frickin time, and the whole setting with the feathers everywhere was just perfect! ::bounces and squees:: {{{{{{hugs Adam}}}}} {{{{hugs Joan}}}} ::squees and hugs Adam again for good measure::

Not much to say except 1. I am loving Daddy Harm, 2. Am also loving the Coats and Maddy bonding. 3. Mac tired of secrets=good thing, I guess. I mean, I'm a die-hard Harm/Mac shipper, but I have nothing against Mac/Webb, so half a dozen of one, six of the other. ::shrugs:: and 4. AJ walking in on Meredith with another guy=not so good. The poor man just doesn't have much luck with women, does he? :(

Now, let's see if I can read my writing...

~Me thinks Daniel is a little loopy due to lack of food and water...
~ Owwie... Torture by car battery-looking thing. That doesn't look good.
~ YAY shippyness!
~ Owwie, poor Daniel. Though he looks considerably better then Webb did after receiving similar treatment on JAG a few months ago. :) Kinda makes you wonder if the writer (was it Michael this episode? I missed the opening credits.) isn't a JAG fan. :D At least it made me wonder. :)
~ Sam's first major command. Go Sam!
~ Ooo, cute guide.
~ Ooo, pretty (I think I was talking about the artifact going all glowy here)
~ Go Daddy Carter!
~ Pretty waterfalls... ::admires scenery::
~ I don't think Raphael (I think?) agrees with long-ish haired dude on the whole artifact thingy being dangerous... and with the mood Raphael is in, I'm pretty sure he just signed his death warrant. ::bang:: Yup, told ya.
~ ::admires scenery some more:: Such pretty settings...
~ Guide #1: "I've been shot... Ow!"
Jack: ::checks:: ::is surprised:: You have been shot!
Guide #1: ::rolls eyes:: "Si, senor..." I dunno why, but that little exchange made me giggle. :)
~ Woah... Longish haired dude came back to life! I'm kinda ashamed I didn't see that one coming until last minute.
~ Aaaand apparently he came back a wee bit crazy and trigger happy...
~ ::snort:: No one wants to cover the living dead guy
~ Oo, pretty effect with the torches on Tartrus...
~ Daniel has nice arms
~ Ooo, lookie all the Storm Troopers... Me thinks Anubis is a Star Wars fan. :) However, thousands apon thousands of super soldiers fighting on the side of Big-Time Bad Guy is probably not a good thing when it comes to someone who considers himself a god, and a mean one at that.
~ hehee! When all else fails, grab a big rock!
~ Dead guy go boom.
~ Heh. Loved how Bray'tac got rid of the nasty stowaway...
~ B: "Teal'c, are you injured?!"
T: "Indeed"
B: ::looks for damage:: "Where?"
T: "Only in my pride..." Hehee! Teal'c made a kinda joke!
~ "Hey, is that that thing that did that thing to that guy?" ::snort:: :)
~ YAY! More Sam/Jack shippyness!

That new "Code Name: Eternity"? One reeeeally weird show. It's like a mix of Tracker and the Terminator with hints of Roswell thrown in for flavor. Very screwy. And I got the impression that it was originally like some two hour movie or something but cut down to only be an hour, cause yeah, it seemed like they were leaving out a *lot*.

But, it is so so very nice to have my Friday Nights back. :D

sg1, joan of arcadia, jag, spoilers

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