
Jan 07, 2004 11:07


Spend most of the day yesterday reading and trying to keep the fires going... damn those things eat a lotta wood. But, at least with all my going up and down stairs to the basement and back with 10-20 lbs of wood on my arms, I'm getting the chance to work my butt and thighs. :)

Had a dream last night that the toilet was really really seriously discustingly clogged and all I had to unclogg it was this giant mixing wisk that was sitting in a bucket of some chemical where the plunger used to be (and no, I wasn't the one to clogg it... :p~~~~ I went in there to pee or something and it was already icky and clogged... it was gross). So, all you dream-people out there, try figuring *that* one out... :)

Am watching some movie with Pierce Brosnen called "Murder 101." Well, I have it *on* but I'm not really watching it... it's been on for an hour and all I know about what's going on is what I read when I pushed the info button, cause I haven't watched more than 5 seconds of it. Am tempted to turn the TV off and read some more, but at the same time I don't wanna read cause I know in the book I'm reading one of the characters is about to die... That's the problem with rereading books - while reading the first time you just wanna keep reading and reading to see what happens and deaths kinda take you by surprise, but then while *rereading* them you know what's gonna happen and you wanna keep it from happening (kinda) by not reading, even though you still wanna read... and yes, I am aware how little sense that made, but when has that ever stopped me. :D

It's also rather cold outside... High temps for the past two or three days have been in the single digits, and us being on a hill with few trees to block the wind tend to have a windchill and temp about 10-20 degrees colder than what the television and radio people say we have... But at least we have sunshine today, so YAY sunshine!

Heeey, lookie! Two baby-ish squirrels are playing tag/ring-around-the-big-maple-tree in my front yard! Cuuute! ::watches them for a bit::

Speaking of sunshine, I suppose I should go out and check the fire on the porch soonish... that fireplace burns up wood way faster than the one in here does, and I have to check it on a regular basis in order to keep it above 40 in there (it's where mom has a majority of her plants, so getting below freezing would not be a good thing). ::wanders down to the basement to get another arm load of wood::

dreams, weather, movies - made for tv/b-rated, wtf, winter, cold, squirrels

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