(no subject)

Dec 02, 2003 18:12

Woops. Forgot to post this earlier...

I should be doing my math homework. What am I doing instead? Reading Stargate fic. Or at least I was. I just finished the Jojo's last new one at Random Leaves, and I cleaned out all the rest of those months ago. Now I'm considering heading over to Helopolis or however that's spelled to see if they have any non-romance fics. I mean, I have nothing against shippyness, specifically if it's Sam/Jack, but I don't like sap. Seriously, even if the two of em start a kiss which lasts more than a paragraph, I'll skim. And as soon as the clothes start coming off, I skim. I'm weird like that.

Oh, yeah, I wrote Alias spoilers that I was meaning to post. I guess now is as good a time as any, if a little late.

~ "So, I was an idiot." Yes, you really were. And you're something of a ditz/wimp. But I forgive you.
~ "What if the item we're looking for isn't metal?" "Then we're screwed." hee... Spy Daddy seems soo much more laid back and less jack ass-ey this season. Me likes it.
~ Noooo! Don't arrest Dixon!
~ Syd get's to beat up Lorien... Classic. :)
~ ::hisses at Linsey::
~ "I used to think you didn't have much of a spine." "And has that assessment changed at all?" "No." Hehee!
~ Heh. High answering the door chick..
~ lol at the expression on Jack's face when he met the professor dude!
~ Facon. Dude, this is so amusing. (not sure what I was referring to here)
~ Weird professor. Cute Kiya.
~ Head trama patient. Who could have guessed? ::twirls finger around ear::
~ Drugs. Am *so* not surprised.
~ Wow. I could never do that. Well, maybe I could, but with lots of hesitation. Especially with that guy for my "doctor."
~ So, it's kinda a funky hypnosis.
~ And she's dreaming... though a nice dream it is.
~ Ew (not a clue)
~ Ouch... I would so not wanna relive that... {{{hugs syd}}}
~ That's gotta be weird (again, no clue what I was talking about)
~ Weird, dude (and I say again, no idea)
~ Aww... Little Sydney!
~ "I was in a tangent once." "How nice for you..." God, you so can't beat Jack's facial expressions this episode.
~ And again I say weird (yeah, so I was a little redundant)
~ All right! Lorien can actually fight! Granted, this was dream Lorien, but it was nice to see a break from the wussy
~ However, plastic over the face in dream is not a good thing.
~ And the cut to commercial. Figures.

commercial note: that new Line of Fire series looks like it might be worth watching

~ Yay, Sydney's not dead!
~ And she's not dreaming... ::sees Jack walk in:: Told ya.
~ "Woah... I had to man jelly donuts." Gotta love Marshal. :)
~ Lazera might still be alive? Does this mean Sark can stop his revenge against Sydney now?
~ Kiya is so cuuute! Even if she is high as a kite.
~ Linsey wants Sydney dead. And he want's Slone to organize it. I read a spoiler on this, but still - bad.
~ ::wonders what Linsey has on Slone::

commercial note: Dude! Return of the King behind the scenes! Must watch Prime Time on Thursday.

~ St. Adian. That sounds like it should be signigicant to Sydney's past
~ Hee! Weiss and Marshal gambling and smoking cigars... I love it!
~ Hmm... Someone trying to stop Sydney in her own subconsciousness...
~ Fighting yourself. That has to be weird.
~ aaand killing yourself has to be even weirder.
~ Dude! What did she see!? Dammit, I hate it when they do that... ::sulks and waits for previews for next week's episode::

~ Will is back! Next Sunday! YAY!!! "You hurt her and I will kill you." And Syd/Vaughn shippyness! Dude, I better be home next week...

And tonight's Stargate episode is one I haven't seen. ::goes to finish watching::

sg1, algebra, alias, procrastination, spoilers, fanfic

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