Nov 15, 2003 19:11
Just an FYI?
Ancient washer and a large load of very absorbent and thick towels? They don't mix. It confuses the poor washer. I can only guess that the towels kept soaking up the rinse water, and the poor machine didn't know whether to give more water or to spin so as to get rid of the excess water like it does after it finishes each load. I ended up squeezing about three of the towels manually and tossing them in the dryer to lighten the load before it figured out what to do.
And, in other news? I've been bad. I haven't accomplished anything since this morning when I finished my algebra and geography. Well, I did type a paragraph for my history paper, but that's it. I was gonna do it, honest! But I made the mistake of rewarding myself with a little PoA reading to give my brain a rest from thinking, and... yeah, I'm now maybe 20 pages away from finishing the book, and that's after starting at about half way through. So, I have my entire history paper to do tomorrow, and the research paper gets pushed off another two days. Bad me...
But! I did get my algebra and my geography done, as well as the majority of the laundry that needed to get washed! So, I wasn't *totally* unless today.
Also, parents gone this weekend. Have the house to myself. If only I had enough friends in the area to throw a party... ::pouts::
Though, a "party" in the case of myself and most my friends would be an all night movie and/or television series marathon with lots of popcorn and other junk food... and maybe some stripping, depends on how cold it was. :D WOOO YEAH! I'M A PARTY ANIMAL!
harry potter,
home alone