A ponder to chew on for all you Stargate SG-1 fans

Nov 11, 2003 22:52

My mom and I saw a shooting star while driving home from work. And the *really* weird thought that popped into my brain after we saw it? How the hell did the Goa'uld (only spelled right) from Stargate get so damned advanced when there has been no evidence of scientists and what not among them? Just self-proclaimed gods. I mean, pretty much all the other worlds we've run into as advanced or more advanced then we are have had some form of scientists, right? The Asguard had to be scientists because they depend on cloning to stay alive. The To'cra also have scientists and such, which we have actually seen on the show - the occasion that comes to mind being when they were trying to keep alive Martoof's (and again, only spelled right) symbiote in mid-to-late season 5 after the assassination attempt killed him. Jonas was a scientists on his original world, as were a whooole buncha other people from his world in the season 5 final. I mean, dude, they were working on a super-powered version of the nuclear bomb when Daniel was killed! The people who walked through walls (again, I can't remember their name) were obviously scientists, cause... did I mention they could walk through walls? And send a message over thousands of light years within a day or two? Even the... Twig-hair people, who's names I can't remember for the life of me at the moment, appeared to have had some form of science... (and wasn't the oldest one some kind of scientists? Though I might be remembering wrong).

But, as Jack affectionately calls them, the Snake Heads just kinda... showed up in big ships and decided to take over and/or destroy people's worlds. Unless I'm missing something, which is quite possible cause not even a television geek like myself can remember every episode (several of which I have never seen), we really have no Goa'uld back story beyond that little glimps of their homeworld in the episode where Daniel is kidnapped by Chaka. All we know about them is they're parasites who take over other people's brains and proclaim themselves gods over everyone unlearned enough to believe them. Did they get the blueprints to make their super-duper mother ships and shiny, glowy, all powerful weapons outta the brains of some more advanced civilization they somehow managed to take over? And if so, who the hell would have been humble enough in their race to lower themselves to the level of a pathetic ship builder? Unless they trusted their lowly servants to the task, but I somehow doubt that. Even if they were stupid enough to put something like that into the hands of their humans, I would think that they would be too cocky to ever consider the lowly humans could accomplish such a thing. Just, where did they come from? How the hell did they become one of the most powerful races in the known universe?

And now I bet you're wondering "Yeah, and I'm also wondering how the *hell* did she get all this from a shooting star?" Well, I'm not sure myself, but my mom and I were talking about the Leonids (annual November meteor shower) peeking soon right before the we saw the shooting star, and that reminded me of astronomy, and that reminded me of Stargate SG-1, which made me wonder if the Goa'uld ever took the time to admire the stars they one day plan to conquer from a distance anymore, and WHAM, the aforementioned question and proceeding ramble. My brain is so frelling messed up...

And YES!!!! The font of my LJ is back to normal size! Oh happy day! (yes, I am aware that was totally random. It's been super sized for the past month, I have a right to random bursts of YAY-age)

Oh, yeah, and an actual kinda update on what happened to day.
~That algebra test I was stressing over? I got a B. Woo, go me!
~Geography test, an A-.
~Got scowled at by my English teacher for not having my rough draft done today, but that was all. I wasn't the only one who didn't do it either.
~Soffiee (Erik's puppy/dog) stealing my hair tie - right out of my hair - and then chewing on my hands with her still sharp puppy teeth when I sat on the hair tie so she couldn't get it
~Work. Boring.
~Waiting 2 hours after my shift for mom to pick me up. Even more boring.
~Watched Charmed (I still so love Chris... and Hee! at evil Wyatt eyes)
~babbled about Stargate for 45 minutes

Exciting, no?
And I go get ready for bed now... owwie headache

test, sg1, english, algebra, bored, charmed, lecture, question, ramblings, geography

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