(no subject)

Oct 01, 2003 16:29

I have a paper due tomorrow at 11 am... Have I even started on it yet? Nope. Bad Maren, no cookie for you! It's an argumentative paper, explaining the positive and negative aspects from both sides of the argument. My subject is Gun Control cause I figured I would be able to find tons of information on that. Thing is, however, we can only have one internet source, and though my dad was a member of the NRA once apon a time, all the magazines and such he got are 10 years old or more. Greeeat. ::sighs:: As of yet I haven't been able to find a while lot of non-internet sources around here. Grr at Johonaus not letting us use the frelling internet! ::growls and seeths::

I also have a paper for History due Monday. Damn me and my procrastination habits! I hate papers... ::wanders off to frantically search for sources on the Internet, and I'll be damned if she doesn't like it!::

english, arrgh, paper

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