(no subject)

Sep 18, 2003 21:51

Oy. Frelling long day. Left home at around 8:20 this morning, didn't get home until 10 minutes ago. Very long day.

I had this cool dream this morning that I wanted to talk about, but now I think it's getting kinda late so that'll have to wait until tomorrow. Hopefully I'll still remember it then. I will say that it was about hurricane Isabell, and that she was way bigger then she was when it hit this morning, and for some reason I was in the storm path with a buncha other people, many of them younger children.

As for my day, well it started out with classes this morning. Algebra was okay, I actually know how to do the assignment today. Have a test in there on Tuesday, though... icky. Had to stay after about 15 minutes or there abouts in English because the teacher had us proof reading each others papers, and she gave us this frelling long checklist that we had to fill out for each of the two papers we proofed. Stuff like "Listing specific sentences and paragraphs, give an example where the writer used good evidence to support their subject" and "List specific sentences and or paragraphs where the writer could be more clear with his/her thesis" and stuff like that. It took a frelling long time to do and she gave us all of 20 minutes to do both of em. So, I stayed there after to finish proofing my second paper. But, at least I wasn't in there alone. The girl, Carol, who was proofing mine had to stay later too. Was still annoying, though. As for Geography (Geology kinda too), I got out of lab an hour early again. That was nice.

Then, of course, I had to lifeguard from 4 until 6:30 at the Y. And then wait another two and a half hours for my mom to get done with gymnastics and come pick me up. So, hence the getting home after 9. But, it was okay cause I finished one of my history summaries and I got to read just for fun for an hour or so. And, I got to play with Eric's new puppy (Eric, guy I work with who gives me a ride to the Y after classes)... She was so cuuuute! Oh, yeah, and we're dog sitting for Mum's friend Debi this weekend... YAY having two doggies in the house again!

Anyways, that's my day... my way too long, still didn't get my homework totally done (the history text book is really boring, okay! At least I tried to do some reading in it), was way too hot down on the pool deck to the point where there was a wet spot on my swimsuit under my boobs cause I was sweating so much, day. So so so so so happy I can sleep in tomorrow.

Will try and catch up on friends tomorrow. Until then, I go sleepy. Well, go shower and *then* go sleepy.

long day, english, lifeguarding, homework, history, geography

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