So, I made yet another icon ::points to correct area on screen::
Writings kinda hard to read since I didn't spend as much time as I usually do on em to get the best viewing colour, but hey... Darien/Bobby! What's not to love!
::sniffs:: I miss I-Man
Classes went well again today. Got most, if not all my homework done and then I took a nap. Why? Cause for some reason I was really really tired. I'm guessing that part of it was I had a really hard time getting up this morning. I was having one of those half-dreams where my body was telling me it was Saturday and I could sleep in even as my brain was telling me it was Monday and I had to get up for classes. Here's how it went, as I talked to myself even when I'm half asleep yet... :)
"Sleep... sleep... wanna sleep... Clock! Clock says I have to get up... sleep... sleep... it's Saturday, sleep... but there's something I gotta get up for, I just know it! ... sleep... sleep... Saturday, you can sleep... sleeeeeep...
Yeah, I know, I'm strange. But once brain realized it was Monday, sleep and Saturday still wanted to take over. I had to repeat to myself in my head "Monday Monday Monday Monday not Saturday Monday Monday Monday you have classes starting at 9:00 Monday Monday Monday..."
Anyhoo, I was finally able to drag myself outta bed. Talk about disorientating.
Also, I have been doing a lot of skimming when it comes to reading Live Journal, and though I have been commenting, not as much as usual. So, of ya'll feel I've missed something important, please point it out to me. The last thing I want is to start seeming indifferent when it comes to any of my friends having struggles.
you all}}}}}}}}}}}}}