(no subject)

Sep 04, 2003 19:29

Wohoo! I have no homework!!! ::dances::

So, today went pretty well I believe. Even got outta algebra on time instead of 5 minutes late, we actually did more then just sit and write in English, and though I found out that the university library didn't carry textbooks, I was lucky enough to be able to borrow one of one of the girls who was currently working behind the desk, so I got my History done! Wohoo! And, to top things off, we got outta Geology almost a whole hour early cause all we had to do was take a few more notes (left over from yesterday) and then a lab that lasted all of five minutes. YAY!

I had to life guard at 4, but I was also lucky enough to catch a ride to the UW with a guy I work with... Sooooooo much better then having to walk better then two miles lugging 25 pounds of books. So another YAY there, even if I did have to work.

But YAY! No home work! And only two hours of class tomorrow! With no math! ANd I can sleep in! ::dances again::

english, algebra, lifeguarding, yay, physical geography

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