(no subject)

Aug 29, 2003 12:07

Heading back to the fair this afternoon. My mom told me yesterday that one of the pictures I entered got a third place ribbon... Wohoo! My autumn one did, one which I thought was one of the most boring of the 7 I entered. So, YAY for happy surprises!

Just finished the last book in the Immortals series that I was reading, Realm of the Gods. I surprised myself by making that one last a good week and a half, if not more, when I had gobbled through the first three in two-three days or less per book. Probably cause outta all of them, Realm of the Gods is my least favorite. Now I'm not saying that I don't love it, cause I do... I love the whole frelling series to death, but I like the other three better. Probably cause the last one is so sappy, with Diane and Numair finally getting together. And even though it has lots and lots and lots of good parts to make up for the sappy parts, I don't like sap and do what I can to avoid it. Weird as it sounds, I *love* the first kiss and everything up to it, but after that it's just... sappy. Or at least the parts where they're together are sappy... Whatever, I'm gonna shut up about this now.
Now to choose which series to reread next... ::it torn between the Glasswrights series or the Sword, the Ring, and the Chalice series::

Also, Kim? Sorry I bailed on you earlier without saying goodbye. My MSN messenger froze, and since I was planning on leaving anyways, I decided I wouldn't bother sign back on. So again, appoligies love! And ave a good weekend, or try to at least. :)

tamora pierce, fair, photography, awesome

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